Director Information

We are excited to invite you to the Mt. Carmel Tournament of Bands in San Diego, California.

Nestled in the hills of Rancho Peñasquitos, the Mt. Carmel High School stadium offers a picturesque natural amphitheater setting. With its state-of-the-art synthetic track and field and seating for up to 11,000, the venue provides a remarkable experience for both performers and spectators.

The stadium’s towering cement bleachers on both the home and visitor sides create unparalleled acoustics, making it one of the finest venues in Southern California.

Both the Band Review Parade and Field Show competitions will be adjudicated by the Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association (SCSBOA).

Entry: Registration for the 48th Annual Mt. Carmel Tournament of Bands: please email

Current Schedules (Info in this section will be updated in October 2025)
Field Show
Parade Review

Map & Directions
Bus Route
Parking Lot Transportation Map

Facility Maps
Practice Areas
Parade Route
Overall Facility Map

If you have any questions, please e-mail the Tournament Director at